Despite good harvest, over one million children are expected to be malnourished in the Sahel

DAKAR, 20 December 2012 (IRIN) – Despite good rains across much of the Sahel this year, 1.4 million children are expected to be malnourished – up from one million in 2012, according to the 2013 Sahel regional strategy. The strategy, which calls on donors to provide US$1.6 billion of aid for 2013, says fewer people are expected to go hungry in 2013 – 10.3 million instead of 18.7...
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Few examples of service packages and cost-effective models found

A 2007 review published in Health Policy and Planning, “Impact of packaged interventions on neonatal health: a review of the evidence,” found that “few studies approximated complete packages recommended inThe Lancet’s Neonatal Survival Series” and “only two studies reported cost-effectiveness data.” Abstract A disproportionate burden of infant and...
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Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s health: the importance of integrated interventions

The WHO released their Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s health in 2010. One of the main components of this strategy is ensuring that partners who work on improving maternal and child health implement comprehensive, integrated packages of services.   Working together to accelerate progress   Key elements of the Global Strategy We know what works. Women and children...
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Effective international action against undernutrition: why has it proven so difficult and what can be done to accelerate progress?

The Lancet published a series of papers in 2008 to discuss maternal an child undernutrition because  “nutrition is a desperately neglected aspect of maternal, newborn, and child health. The reasons for this neglect are understandable but not justifiable.” The last paper in this series is “Effective international action against undernutrition: why has it proven so difficult and what can...
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Maternal and child undernutrition: effective action at national level

The Lancet published a series of papers in 2008 to discuss maternal an child undernutrition because “nutrition is a desperately neglected aspect of maternal, newborn, and child health. The reasons for this neglect are understandable but not justifiable.” The fourth paper in this series is “Maternal and child undernutrition: effective action at national level .” Summary 80% of the...
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