Assessing the impact of Micronutrient Powders

Improving nutritional status can be a complex process–giving people just any micronutrient supplement or powder doesn’t guarantee results. It is important to think about the quality, not just quantity of nutrients. A study published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) indicated that the prevalence of anemia did not decrease when children were given a...
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Southeast Asia and the modern food industry

The modern food industry has drastically changed norms for families in Indonesia. Only 10 years ago eating out was considered a luxury and processed food choices were limited or too expensive for most families. Now the availability and affordability of processed foods is having a series impacts on local culture and health. Read more...
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“Modern” Food and High Blood Pressure

It won’t be long—in the near future you will be able to measure more than just the nutrient content of what you eat. More important, you will be able to measure the outcome: your nutritional status. And because you will be able to easily measure your vital signs, tracking them on your smart phone, you will be able to see your blood pressure going down week by week as your nutrition level...
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Measuring bio-available nutrients: results from “Catalyzing a Nutrient Economy” Event

What are the innovative interventions that can be implemented to improve nutrition in mothers, babies, school children, and our workforce? Ashoka, GAIN, and BoPInc posed this question at the event “Catalyzing a Nutrient Economy” in Amsterdam, Netherlands April 19th 2013. A diverse group of stakeholders (listed below) including representatives from government, NGOs, and innovators on the...
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Caring for Non-communicable Diseases in the Underdeveloped World

A lack of continuity care for non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) is a growing global health problem as the global burden of diseases shifts towards NCDS, according to a collection of Policy Briefs from the NCD Working Group at Johns Hopkins University. The briefs focus on access and adherence to medication for NCDs, which is especially low in areas with poor health infrastructure. Additionally, the...
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