Demystifying the link between food and health: What happens when I eat that?

It’s not surprising that food and wellness are related. The link between good nutrition and good health is not that hard to understand; what people put into their body every day undoubtedly has some kind of effect on how it functions. What is probably less clear is the profound effects that ingredients and nutrients in food have on all kinds of body processes from brain function to blood...
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Changing the choice to fruit in India

According to a study by Ashoka’s India office, many Indian women do not eat fruit regularly—only 58% of Indian women eat fruit on a weekly basis. Despite the rich micronutrient content that could go a long way to reduce nutritional deficiencies in Indian diets, this figure suggests that Indian women do not see fruit as an attractive option. What barriers exist in the system that keep fruit...
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Leverage nutrition to improve school performance

The Campaign for Education Equity has published a paper calling for schools to focus on key health disparities as a method to improve school performance, especially among low-income and minority youth. The report asks schools to target seven major health disparities, one of which is eating breakfast daily. These disparities, both individually and collectively, affect children’s ability to learn...
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Garden-based education found to improve dietary choices among kids

New research out of University of California – Davis has studied the effects of school gardens and garden-based nutrition education on fruit and vegetable consumption of school-aged children in California. The study concludes that after participating in garden-based education, children are more likely to diversify their diets with a variety of fruits and vegetables. The study explains,...
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India’s new budget allocates money to nutrient-enriched crops

A recent article in SciDev.Net reported that India’s new budget would include $40 million USD to fund pilot projects to develop iron-rich pearl millet, protein-rich maize, and zinc-rich wheat crops. This addition would address the micronutrient crisis that has hit India, resulting in widespread malnutrition and stunting in children and anemia in women. The article quotes Howarth Boius, the...
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