Measuring bio-available nutrients: results from “Catalyzing a Nutrient Economy” Event

What are the innovative interventions that can be implemented to improve nutrition in mothers, babies, school children, and our workforce? Ashoka, GAIN, and BoPInc posed this question at the event “Catalyzing a Nutrient Economy” in Amsterdam, Netherlands April 19th 2013. A diverse group of stakeholders (listed below) including representatives from government, NGOs, and innovators on the...
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Demystifying the link between food and health: What happens when I eat that?

It’s not surprising that food and wellness are related. The link between good nutrition and good health is not that hard to understand; what people put into their body every day undoubtedly has some kind of effect on how it functions. What is probably less clear is the profound effects that ingredients and nutrients in food have on all kinds of body processes from brain function to blood...
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