Mobile Health Technologies Play a Role in Disease Management and Behavior Change

PLOS medicine published “The Effectiveness of Mobile- Health Technology-Based Health Behaviour Change or Disease Management Interventions for Health Care Consumers: A Systemative Review” in January 2013 which concluded that: Text messaging interventions increased adherence to ART and smoking cessation and should be considered for inclusion in services. Although there is suggestive evidence of...
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Mental health is part of wellness

Medical News Today reported that the mental health of mothers is linked to the health of her baby. The University of Michigan Health Systems study suggests that “efforts to reduce child mortality and improve infant growth, health, and nutritional status in less-developed countries must address the mental health of new moms.” In addition, “two-thirds of participating mothers of...
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Urgent need to create a commodities market of life-saving medicines

Skoll Word Forum shared a conversation with Executive Director of UNICEF Anthony Lake. He “discussed the urgent need to create a commodities market of life-saving medicines in the developing world, arguing that healthy children are good for business.” Lake argues that: “Innovations in technology, delivery systems and creating demand are critical to accelerating our progress...
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Tablets make health care workers more productive

EHR Intelligence writes that a survey done by CDW indicates that 84% of healthcare providers using tablets on a regular basis report that the device makes them better at multitasking. In addition, the survey indicated that “iPads and Kindle Fires make physicians happier, more mobile, and more productive.” Read the full story...
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Children face stunting despite consuming enough calories

This article posted on IRIN highlights the problem of stunting in Madagascar’s children: “…the country’s high rates of stunting also have much to do with the Malagasy obsession with rice. Although many children consume enough calories, they have trouble growing because their diet consists almost exclusively of rice, to which cassava or a salty soup may be added and, if the...
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